Saturday, May 29, 2010

First Leg to Venice - May 29, 2010

We got up at o'dark 30 this morning - that's 2:45 a.m. Unfortunately, there was so much to be done to get ready that we didn't hit the sack until about 11 p.m. Pretty hard to catch any winks. The airport shuttle was, unfortunately, 10 minutes early and we had planned to be ready right at 4 a.m., the pick up time. So he had to wait a bit as we made final collections and buttoned up the house and the cats. Gallagher was spoiled with an early morning breakfast. Wonder if he will beg another from Joyce when she comes over.

We snoozed a lot on the 5-hour Delta trip to Atlanta - smooth sailing all the way. I would have signed onto the internet through the plane's wifi but couldn't quite justify the $13 fee. Because of Bob's membership in the platinum club, we got to hang out in the airport in the Sky Club with complimentary refreshments and snacks. Certainly quite a privilege and treat - not one I ever expected to experience. All those trips to China came with a nice bonus.

So that's all to report so far. Waiting for the boarding to Venice at 5 p.m. for the 10-hour flight to Venice. Sleeping is the plan so we can be fresh and ready to hit the cobblestones for a full day of site-seeing and work off the snacks we're enjoying!

Not sure when I'll be on next. Internet access could be illusory!

Buona Sera!

1 comment:

  1. Bon voyage! I'm glad the first leg of your trip was uneventful. 4:00 a.m. sounds very outrageous! Can't wait to see those Venice photos!

